Book Sale - Open House - $5
Important Information!
Below you will find the updated pre-k screening calendar for Vermilion county. If you are interested in getting your child on the waitlist, please call the number and get added to a screening.
Mark your calendars now!! So much information will be shared at Open House!!
**Proof of Residency**
Please have this information ready if you are asked for it at registration or before the start of the school year. Thank you!
**Registration Fees**
Mark your calendars!!
Join our PGS family!
Frank the EduGATOR got to hang out with Mr. Nowaczyk at the Savannah Bananas game in Indianapolis tonight!
Mrs. Cler and Fred are at Peoria Chiefs game!!
Frank is hanging out with Mr. and Mrs. Nowaczyk at the Illinois School for the Visually Impaired this weekend. They are learning how to better care for their little girl, Mila!
Good luck to our archers shooting this weekend at Worlds in Florida!
Check out this site for free lessons in phonemic awareness.
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources is hosting a cicada art contest. The deadline to enter is June 16th.
Also, check out National Geographic for some fun cicada STEM ideas.
Family Literacy Activities
Listen to or Read books online
Camping Day in 2nd Grade as our last full day, yesterday! 🏕️🔦
Don't forget that tomorrow is a NORMAL DISMISSAL day and Wednesday is an 11:20 DISMISSAL!!
Drumming on the "big kid" drums and jumping through hoops to the beat.
Congratulations to the PGS Covid class on your ATHS Class of 2024 Graduation!! Good luck in all your future endeavors!
Please check out the info if you are attending Lunch on the Lawn. Lunch on the Lawn will be rain or shine! We will be able to find a place in the gym, cafeteria, or hallways to settle in for lunch!
USA day, slime making, and kickball against the 8th grade.
All in a days work!
Location Change