Don't forget there is no school tomorrow!!!
Seventh grade musical Hershey Kisses and pumpkins as well as fifth grade’s paper circuit projects are finished and on display. Come check them out.
Phenomenal job done by the 2nd Graders on their Pumpkin Book Reports! Check them out tonight at Conferences 🎃📚
Reminder: 2:00 dismissal today and no school tomorrow!
Dress up day schedule!
Potomac Grade School will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week Monday Oct. 24th-Friday Oct 28th. We will be celebrating by having fun dress up days. We would love to see all the kids participating! If you are interested there are some activities and facts on:
Maybe you and your family can take a few minutes to sit down and explore the site. #celebratelifelivedrugfree
Important Information:
Wednesday, October 19 --Regular Dismissal -- Conferences 3:20-7:00
Thursday, October 20 -- 2:00 Dismissal -- Conferences 2:20-5:00
Friday, October 21 -- No School
Sign up for conferences here!!
Junior high students had a great time learning with Sphero Bolts, Makey Makey boards, and Tinkercad 3D design during technology classes this week.
The PBIS committee is planning a school wide celebration day but we need your help!! Check out the list and see if you can help! All items need dropped off when you come in for Parent Teacher Conferences next week. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Taylor.
Trunk-or-Treat -- Wednesday, October 26
We have 25 entries so far!!!!
Sign your trunk up here.
PGS Teachers are always learning!! We are at the Siebel Center at the University of Illinois learning about Human-Centered Design!
7/8 boys basketball will have open gyms next week Monday-Thursday 5-7 pm.
Just a reminder there is no school Friday, October 7 or Monday, October 10.
A few classes have earned a Boo Buck , but 4th grade is leading with 3 Boo Bucks and well on their way to costumes and trick or treating! 🎃🍫
Don’t forget softball pictures are tomorrow!! The girls will leave to go to Gifford around 8:00am!! Don’t forget to bring your uniforms!!
👻Can you help your class earn some Boo Bucks? 👻
2nd graders learning to keep the beat with basketballs!
Kindergarten learned to play a descending pattern on xylophones in groups while others sang.They did really well!
Check out and like our new facebook music page: Potomac Grade School Music with Mrs. Wells to see music performances and things we are doing in music each day!